About Me

6221_4105962002088_1774419772_nMy name is Magnus Sonne Nielsen. I graduated from the IT-University in Copenhagen in 2015 where I did my MSc in IT and game design.

Resumé: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/magnus-sonne-nielsen/5b/824/21

Throughout my professional career I have always focused on efficiency and service, never letting one diminish the other. I am multi talented and a very quick learner with a sharp analytical mind. While some would call me a jack of all trades, my primary expertise lies within interaktion- and game-design, as well as project management.

I have worked internationally through my deployment with the army and worked as a volunteer leader through the National Guard. This has also influenced my educational projects where I work as a designer and facilitator of communications between the different groups of artists and developers.

My current interests lie in game development and in the long term I see myself working with creative direction of game development projects.